Welcome To Transporter Towers !

Hi and welcome,

We are a VW Transporter enthusiast owned business based in Swansea South Wales specializing in aftermarket parts for the T4 and T5 range of buses. We only belive in suppling quality parts that we can stand behind. The van scene is ever changing and the new wave of bandwaggoners that have jumped on the fast buck ship are making things tougher than ever for us time served traders. Help support us and we will keep offering fresh new parts from europe and our own stable.

Hell if it wasn't for us you would all be driving around on jamex springs !!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Need new front end parts ????

So maybe you took your eye off where your van was heading and you whacked your front bumper or grill and after Xmas funds cant quite stretch :(

Fear not get on the VANIMAL HOSPITAL  http://www.t4srus.co.uk/vanimal-hospital-108-c.asp   part of the website as we have some clearance bumpers and grills on there but be quick as there are very limited stocks and first click first serve !!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hey you are you trying to buy vw parts online at work but the boss hates what the van scene has become so has banned you from browsing van websites ?
No problem then log in to your Facebook account visit T4's r us on facebook and you can buy van parts to your hearts content and your boss will just think you are flirting with Janice in accounts (or Dave in maintanence if you prefer).

                                                      Hey we did it first again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry Xmas from the fatherland !

Better late than never we had a load of Stollen cake sent to us from one of our German suppliers which arrived dec 28th (ah well) and our air fresheners made it through customs the same day so we had a bit of a German vibe going on.
Alles ist in der Haube gut !!!!!!!