Welcome To Transporter Towers !

Hi and welcome,

We are a VW Transporter enthusiast owned business based in Swansea South Wales specializing in aftermarket parts for the T4 and T5 range of buses. We only belive in suppling quality parts that we can stand behind. The van scene is ever changing and the new wave of bandwaggoners that have jumped on the fast buck ship are making things tougher than ever for us time served traders. Help support us and we will keep offering fresh new parts from europe and our own stable.

Hell if it wasn't for us you would all be driving around on jamex springs !!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cow van back on the road !!

The camoo van is back on the road at last, it's been a local attraction over the seaside town of tonmawr where the locals have been chanting and throwing virgins at it's wheels to keep the cow gods happy !

The old heffer has been stood dead for approx 4 months due to a broken down main engine loom and we aint had time to fix her but we got her running the night before vanwest and she flew to the show effortlessly. We are going to give her a bit of tlc and a set of staggered RH cups are sitting on the shop floor waiting to go on !

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